Future Retro Consignment Agreement Overview

1. Space and Display

  • Rack Specifications: One designated rack space provided by Future Retro. Location and visibility will be determined by Future Retro to ensure optimal customer engagement.
  • Setup and Maintenance: Future Retro will handle the initial setup and ongoing maintenance of the display to ensure consistency and quality.

2. Payment Terms

  • Fee: A fixed fee per month, payable at the start of each billing period.
  • Payouts: Sales revenue will be paid out weekly, every Tuesday, via the agreed-upon payment method (e.g., bank transfer).

3. Contract Duration

  • Length: Agreements will be on a month-to-month basis, with automatic renewal unless terminated by either party with a minimum of 14 days' notice before the next billing cycle.

4. Inventory Management

  • Stock Replenishment: You are responsible for providing inventory to Future Retro.
  • Weekly Updates: Future Retro will provide weekly updates to inform you of current stock levels and whether restocking is required.
  • Unsold Goods: Any unsold inventory will be returned upon contract termination or at Future Retro’s discretion for clearance.

5. Promotions & Perks

  • In-Store Events: Future Retro will host periodic events to showcase and drive traffic to your products.
  • Social Media Features: Your brand will receive dedicated promotion on Future Retro’s social media channels, ensuring visibility to their audience.
  • Discount on Vendor Fees: As a consignment partner, you will receive a 50% discount on vendor fees for all future events hosted by Future Retro.

6. Legal Agreement

  • A formal agreement will outline the terms, including dispute resolution, early termination clauses, and liability waivers.

Apply here 

CONTACT US FOR MORE INFO @futurexretro or email us